Statistics - Profile
Statistics : Profile
Statistics was introduced in this college during the academic year 1997-98 under the Restructured Course at UG level in B.A.(Statistics, Economics and ComputerApplications) with sanction of 40 seats.
Later this combination changed into Mathematics,Statistics and ComputerScience in B.Sc.Under Restructured course with effect from 2000-2001.
The Department of Statistics was started on 02 November
Total department faculty strength: Sanctioned posts-02 , WorkingLecturers-02
Courses offering now :
B.Sc(Maths-Statistics-ComputerScience) -50 seats
B.A(Economics-Statistics-Computer Applications)– 30 seats(w.e.f2021-22)
B.Sc(DataScience-Statistics-ComputerScience) –30seats(w.e.f2022-23)
Department student’s total strength:152