Microbiology - Vision & Mission

Microbiology : Vision & Mission


  • To empower women by developing human capabilities through quality education, making them responsible citizens who can work for the advancement of the society.
  • To initiate, promote, develop and sustain quality innovative and research in the field of microbiology.
  • To build intellectual and imaginative minds
  • To impart higher education with integral formation which involves academic excellence
  • To train, review and develop curricula that meet the changing needs in discipline of microbiology.


  • To cultivate knowledge, skills, values and confidence in the students to grow thrive and prosper.
  • To establish global competence among students by inculcating optimistic thinking and positive spirit
  •  To develop application-oriented courses, with the necessary input of values, with a view to produce all-round development of persons.
  • To excel in all areas of teaching-learning, research, outreach and consultancy in the field of microbiology.
  • To maximize the students’ abilities to pursue their goals
  • To promote the science of Microbiology through excellence and practical knowledge.