Mathematics - Profile
Mathematics : Profile

D.K.W College is the one and only women’s college in Nellore District. The college was established in the year 1964 with the area of 25 acres. The college was started with BA, B.Sc.& courses. The department of mathematics was established in the year 1964 with a conventional courses MPC, MPE and later introduced two restructured courses MPCS and MSCS, MPC AND MPRe. Nearly 100-150 students were joined in every year in all the three groups and they have completed successfully their UG program and achieve different certificates.
S.No |
Particulars |
1. |
Name of the department |
Mathematics |
2. |
Year of the establishment |
1964 |
3. |
No.of teachers sanctioned and present position |
4. |
No. of teachers and students |
4/247 |
5. |
Ratio of teachers to students |
1: 64 |
The year when the curriculum was revised last by APSHE |
2020-21 |
7. |
Success rate of students on an Average |
93% |
8. |
State Prathibha Awards Received |
4 |
9. |
No. of students registered for NCC/NSS/YRC |
45/80/6 |
10. |
Publications by faculty |
35 |
11. |
Awards and recognition received by faculty |
05 |
12. |
Faculty attended national and international seminars |
30 |
13. |
No. of books in the departmental library |
1000 |
14. |
No. of computers |
01 |
15. |
No. of OHP |
01 |
16 |
No. of printers |
01 |
Teaching Staff Working at present:
Qualified faculty as per UGC norms.
Publications by Faculty ( last 5 years) : 40
Regular participation in various Workshops/Seminars
Seminars/ Workshops attended by the faculty : 120
Awards received by faculty : 05 (State & District level)
Use of ICT tools
Regular Virtual class Presentation
S.NO |
1. |
Dr. K. Suvarna |
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.. |
Lecturer In-charge |
2. |
Dr. J. Kavitha |
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. |
Lecturer |
3. |
P.M.V Prasad |
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D. |
Reeder |
4. |
Dr. K. Chandra Sekhar |
M.Sc., Ph.D. |
Lecturer |
Department library with 2000 prescribed and reference text books.
Computer and printer with data connection.
OHP projector with screen.
UGC XII plan LCD projector.
Students are allowed to go for APSSDC Lab whenever they have idle hours.
College Library with 15, 000 books.
Reading Room.
Two virtual class rooms.
Two digital class rooms well equipped.
Providing reasoning, aptitude and Analytical training to improve the competitive skills
Continuous internal assessment and evaluation.
Conduct of monthly Review meetings at department level
BOS meetings for every Semester
Preparation of Action plan and implementation
Departmental Activities
Beginning of every year we use prepare curricular plans as per the syllabus approved by the Academic council.
Results Analysis after the release of Semester End Results
Based on the Result we use to categories the students as
Fast learners
Slow learners and
Below Average (back loggers)
Remedial teaching in Zero hours
Student Peer Groups to guide the below average students to perform well
Blended learning
SCL activities where ever it is necessary
Bridge course class for first years
Celebration of National Mathematics day every year
Encouraging students to participate in various competitions.
Monthly review meetings to discuss the progress of
Coverage of Syllabus
Dept. action plan
NAAC Preparations
Virtual presentations
Maintenance of Annual records and etc.
Faculty contributions in academics:
Acting as Controller of Examinations to Autonomous Examination Cell
IQAC coordinator.
As convener and members of different Academic committees.
Convener of Women Empowerment cell.
Member student union.
Member of High power committee for VSU UG Exams.
Paper Setter for Yogi Vemana university PG Exams .
V.S.U Strong room chief examiner for 4 spells.
As coordinator of A.P.S.S.D.C.
As Asst. coordinator of IQAC etc.
Criterion –II in-charge for NAAC cycle-III.
Time table committee convener.
Convener of mentor-mentees committee.
Co-coordinator of student induction program.
Member of Assembly committee.
Digital class room In-charge.
Member of Attendance monitoring committee.
Member of SSS.
Member College finance committee.
Paper setters and Evaluators to different Autonomous colleges across the State.
Member of admission committee.
Member of Grievance cell.
Member of Internal complaint committee.